Add ability to add, change, or transfer between funds

Goal: $8,750

Raised: 0

Supporters: 0

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This development brings more functionality to acquisitions with the ability to add, change, or transfer between funds.


Part 1 (complete):

  • Log modifications to funds- Add an option to include fund changes into Action logs

Part 2

  • Build functionality and interface to modify funds
  • Create an interface to modify (add/change/transfer) amounts from/to active funds with a ‘reason for change’

Cost: $7500

Part 3

  • See the history of the fund
  • Create a history table on the page and populate with the information logged (date, amount, reason)

Cost: $1250

Expected Outcome

Koha Community Enhancement in Bugzilla

Part 1- Complete

Bug 23971 - Add logging for basket related actions - Pushed in Koha 21.05.00

Bug 24190 - Add additional Acquisition logging - Pushed in Koha 21.11.00

Part 2

Bug 25916 - Create UI to modify and track changes to budget and fund amounts

Part 3

Bug 25918 - Add budget/fund modification history

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